Friday, June 13, 2008

The Pundits Come Alive: Kobe = Not MJ?

Yep, there's been a swarm of articles and blog posts saying that all of a sudden, Kobe (oh...and the Lakers) allowing the Celtics to come back from a 24 point deficit on the road automatically excludes him the magical "Next MJ" discussion because, you know, Jordan would NEVER EVER let any of his teams do that because, of course, Michael Jordan has never missed a shot, lost a game, or generally done anything wrong in his perfect life. At least, that's what I've come to realize after reading blog comments and ESPN articles over the past couple of days.

First things first, this post is dedicated to the guys that are posting ridiculous "insights" like that. It is only IDIOTS that say that Kobe is better than Jordan. No one doubts that Jordan is the best; my problem with the people that constantly bash Kobe Bryant for no damn reason (and sometimes over the stupidest little things - I'm looking at you The Big Lead) is that you guys put Jordan on a pedestal as if he has never done anything wrong in his life. No sane person believes Kobe is better than Jordan - and if it took you a Game 4 NBA Finals loss to finally come to that "brilliant" conclusion then you sir, are an idiot.

If it really did take until last night for you to make the oh-so-great insight that Kobe is not the next MJ, and subsquently bash Kobe in full throttle because of your discovery, then I have reached a conclusion. If that was your mindstate, then that must mean that for the last decade or so, your heart's sank a little each time Kobe has added something "Michael Jordan"-esque to his resume. You must have actually been under the impression that Kobe Bryant was slowly turning into Michael Jordan. Now that he's actually failed, you breathe out a sigh of relief by absolutely destroying him on blogs and articles because you finally feel that Kobe failing in this juncture excludes him from any discussion mentioning Michael Jordan.

Reality check [!]: they're two different players. Dudes, when YOU GUYS (i.e - the writers, broadcasters) stop the comparisons, then people will eventually stop the comparisons as well. It shouldn't take a game in the 2008 NBA Finals, followed by you guys screaming "I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T MJ (!)" on your blogs and columns to realize that Kobe Bryant is just Kobe Bryant. Sorry to say it, but you come off sounding extremely insecure, as if you guys believe that you're some sort of geniuses because you made the (stupid) point that this one game taints anything else Kobe has done. You finally feel vindicated right? You guys finally WON. Wow. You WON the debate. Because of you, I have now come to realize that Kobe Bryant is not Michael Jordan; thank you for enlightening me!
By the way, on another note - I've noticed that usually the same people that absolutely despise Kobe are the ones that are on Lebron's nuts. I will openly admit that while Lebron is a great player, I agree with Deshawn Stevenson that he is quite overrated. His skills are on point, but even in that respect, he is quite overrated as well. I will thoroughly explain one of these days why I feel this way through a post, but the Why I Hate Lebron post will have to wait a while.

To sum it up in a nutshell though, I think his on-court repertoire is extremely limited and overrated and off the court, he shows absolutely no personality at any point, in addition to the fact that the dude's ego is the size of Mt.Everest.
Despite all that, the guy has constant media people, the NBA itself and a lot of major bloggers sniffing his ass on every move that he makes. Talking in the third person, or having absolutely no jump shot doesn't matter at all. After all, he's King James, the greatest to ever play the game because, as his own tattoos say (egotistical much?), he's the "Chosen One" (I apologize for making you look at Lebron's waxed back in the picture). For you guys out there that are laughing at Kobe right now, all I need to say is that Lebron James got SWEPT in the NBA Finals, so please, stop anointing him as the next great thing for the time being as well. Each player has his own legacy, and each will be different. By the way, don't give me crap about Lebron's teammates being shit. If they could get to the NBA Finals, then they obviously had some talent. And if you think Kobe Bryant's cast is amazing, you obviously have not watched these NBA Finals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow you do a lot of useless talk. you cant compare MJ and Kobe i wont say one is better than the other.But you dont know Lebron.He has personality you judge him because of a few clips you see on ESPN.He loves his kid,plays the game with passion, and most of all watch him in videos on him he laughs jams out to music. He's a person.He doesn't say hes the best he just goes out and plays basketball and i guess 28.5 odd points a game makes people think you are arrogant. Players bring differnt things to the table,Jordan was that clutch ability late in games, Kobe's is his nasty all around game, and Lebron's is being the best driver EVER.